First Aid is at the very heart of our business. All of our First Aid Trainers have lots of experience in real life situations giving First Aid to various people. They all hold a Level 4 qualification in First Response Emergency Care and have several years experience training First Aid. Below is a selection of the courses we offer, if however you are looking for something a bit more specific please contact us.


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First Aid At Work

This course meets the HSE requirements for the Health and Safety (first aid) Regulations 1981. The course is run over 3 days and contains both theory and practical sessions. It can be adapted to suit your company's circumstances (e.g. Clerical office or engineering workshop.) These courses are run on dates to suit you. We also run open courses if you just have one or two people needing this qualification at a time. Requalification courses of Two Days duration are also available.


Emergency First Aid At Work (EFAW)

This is a basic level First Aid course and meets the HSE requirements as such, it is designed for small or low risk workplaces such as small offices or some shops. This is a one day course with both theory and practical sessions. We normally run at least one open course a month, or a dedicated course for your company can be arranged. 

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Paediatric 12 Hour

.This two day course delivers First Aid training that focuses on babies and children. It is designed for those that work full time with babies or children such as nursery workers. The course fulfills the requirements of the compulsory section of the OFSTED register. We limit course sizes to 12 people to ensure plenty of individual time for each student.

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Outdoor First Aid

This 16 hour course is designed to equip those who work outside in adventurous activities the tools they need to help treat casualties in that particular environment. The course involves lots of practical scenario’s designed to replicate some of the situations that you may find yourself in. It meets the requirements of the outdoor activity regulatory bodies.

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First Response Emergency Care 3 (FREC).

This 5 day course is designed to take your First Aid to the next level. During the course you will learn about the use of artificial airways, oxygen and the treatment of fractures. This is the first stage on the FREC Framework which can lead to qualifications at ambulance technician level.